Vision and Mission 願景和使命
To promote the activities and interests of professionals engaged in highways engineering and transportation in Hong Kong.
To meet the challenges of providing safe, efficient and environmentally acceptable highway networks and transportation infrastructures, facilitating the economic growth and continued development of Hong Kong.
To advance, for the benefits of the general public, the science and art associated with highways engineering and transportation.
To promote education, training, research and development of the science and art associated with highways engineering and transportation.
To share the experience gained through the highways and transportation development in Hong Kong and to exchange ideas among local professionals.
To foster mutual support and help raise the standards of highways and transportation developments in Hong Kong.
To create, maintain and expand communication and collaboration with other learned societies, in particular those in the mainland and overseas on matters of common interest.
• 推廣與公路工程及交通運輸相關的活動,促進專業從業者相互交流。
• 為社會建議安全、高效、符合環保要求、促進經濟增長及香港持續發展的公路工程及運輸規劃。
• 以學會在公路工程及交通運輸的專業知識貢獻社會及關顧公眾利益。
• 推廣與公路工程及交通運輸有關的教育、培訓、硏究和發展。
• 促進公路工程及交通運輸領域的專業從業者的相互交流及經驗分享。
• 提升香港於公路工程及運輸規劃的整體專業水平。
• 積極與本地及內地相關的學術團體緊密合作,就共同關心的問題作全面探討。